About the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network

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The Pan-Canadian Public Health Network (PHN) is composed of the PHN Council, the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health (CCMOH), the PHN Secretariat and 3 steering committees.

The PHN Council is accountable and reports to the Conference of Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Deputy Ministers of Health, which is accountable to FPT Ministers of Health.

The work of the PHN is supported by 3 steering committees that report to the PHN Council:

  1. Healthy People and Communities Steering Committee
  2. Communicable and Infectious Disease Steering Committee
  3. Public Health Infrastructure Steering Committee

Steering committees may establish time-limited, expert-based task groups to advance the priorities of the PHN.

The steering committees and their task groups draw on Canada's best available public health expertise through a talent pool of expertise composed of:

Structure of the Public Health Network

About the network

The PHN was established in 2005 and is the formal governance for FPT governments across Canada. We:

The PHN supports horizontal linkages across public health science, policy and program priorities through close collaboration of senior government decision makers and other key players in the public health system and related sectors.

In undertaking its work, the PHN:

Vision and mission

Our vision is for Canadians to benefit from an effective federation dedicated to collaboratively addressing current and emerging issues in public health.

Our mission is to:

Public Health Network Council

The PHN is governed by the PHN Council. The PHN Council:

Public Health Network Council membership

Federal co-chair

Dr. Theresa Tam
Chief Public Health Officer of Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada

Provincial and territorial co-chair

Dr. Jennifer Russell
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Government of New Brunswick

Provincial and territorial deputy minister liaison

Eric Beaulieu
Deputy Minister of Health
Government of New Brunswick


Dr. Deena Hinshaw
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Alberta Health

Trish Merrithew-Mercredi
Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Health and Compliance Division
Alberta Health

British Colombia

Dr. Bonnie Henry
Provincial Health Officer
B.C. Ministry of Health

Health Canada

Dr. Supriya Sharma
Chief Medical Advisor
Health Canada


Dr. Brent Roussin
Provincial Public Health Officer
Manitoba Health

Lynda Tjaden
Executive Director for Population and Public Health
Manitoba Health

Newfoundland and Labrador

Dr. Janice Fitzgerald
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services

Gillian Sweeney
Assistant Deputy Minister
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services

New Brunswick

Dr. Jennifer Russell
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Department of Health

Northwest Territories

Dr. Kami Kandola
Chief Public Health Officer
Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Services

Nova Scotia

Dr. Robert Strang
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection


Dr. Michael Patterson
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Nunavut Department of Health


Dr. Kieran Moore
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Prince Edward Island

Dr. Heather Morrison
Chief Public Health Officer
P.E.I. Department of Health and Wellness


Dr. Luc Boileau
Interim Director of Public Health and Assistant Deputy Minister
Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services


Dr. Saqib Shahab
Chief Medical Health Officer
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health

Tami Denomie
Executive Director, Population Health Branch
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health


Dr. Sudit Ranade
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Yukon Department of Health and Social Services

Laura Hillier
Director, Population and Public Health Evidence and Evaluation
Yukon Department of Health and Social Services

Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health

The membership of the CCMOH includes:

Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. Provincial Health Officer, is the chair of the CCMOH.

The CCMOH is a technical public health forum for:

Refer to our position statements for public health advice from the CCMOH.

Public Health Network Secretariat

The PHN Secretariat functions as the governance and operations management support for the PHN Council and Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health. It provides support to the members and facilitates collaboration and sharing of information within the PHN, including between PHN steering committees and their secretariats.

Key roles and responsibilities of the PHN Secretariat include:

Steering committees

The work of the PHN is managed by 3 steering committees. The steering committees provide advice and recommendations to the PHN Council on collaborative approaches to public health surveillance, policy and practice. They may establish time-limited, expert-based task groups to advance the priorities of the PHN.

The membership of each steering committee is composed of senior government officials appointed by their federal, provincial or territorial jurisdictions.

Healthy People and Communities Steering Committee

This committee provides an integrated, national approach to chronic disease prevention and health promotion through:

Communicable and Infectious Disease Steering Committee

This committee provides an integrated, national approach to communicable and infectious disease prevention and control through:

Public Health Infrastructure Steering Committee

This committee advances the development of public health infrastructure, such as:

Special advisory committee

As per the terms of reference of the PHN and the FPT Public Health Response Plan for Biological Events, a time-limited FPT special advisory committee:

When activated, a special advisory committee is composed of members of both the PHN Council and the CCMOH.

Active committees

For information on the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses, refer to:

Deactivated committees

In January 2020, the PHN activated the Special Advisory Committee on COVID-19 to facilitate a coordinated FPT response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID-19 no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the committee was deactivated on July 6, 2023. Work continues under the PHN’s Communicable and Infectious Disease Steering Committee.

For information, refer to:

In July 2022, the PHN activated the FPT Special Advisory Committee on Monkeypox. As cases worldwide and in Canada continue to trend downwards, the committee was deactivated on December 15, 2022. Work continues through routine channels and governance structures, as we recognize the importance of continuing to monitor and report case data.

For more information, refer to:

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